Sunday, August 9, 2009

Vegetarian Samosas

You know that almost every Asian culture has its own version of an eggroll. I guess you can say that this is an Indian style eggroll. This is another great recipe that my good friend, Kiran, and her mom were kind enough to share with me. Traditionally, the crust on the outer part of the samosa is made from scratch, but I was suprised when Kiran told me that her family just uses Tortillas as the crust. She said it tasted just as good as the one you would make from scratch. It sounded pretty easy, so I jumped on the idea. The difficult part was making them into perfect triangles. I'm still working on that.

1 Tbsp. oil
2 tsp. cumin seeds
1 Tbsp. minced fresh ginger
1/4 cup frozen peas
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. red chili flakes (or 1 Tbsp. minced green chilies)
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
2 cups chopped boiled potatoes
1 medium onion, chopped
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
1/2 tsp. garam masala
1/2 tsp. turmeric powder
flour tortillas (soft taco size)
paste of flour and water mixture

1) Heat oil in a pot. Add cumin seeds and cook for about a minute. Add ginger, peas, salt, lemon juice and chilies. Cook for another minute.
2) Add boiled potatoes and mix well. Let mixture cool completely.

3) Once mixture has cooled, return to heat and add onions, cilantro, garam masala and turmeric powder. Continue cooking until mixture is well incorporated.

4) Cut flour tortillas in half. Roll into a cone shape. Stuff the cone with the potato mixture. Fold the open-end over to close. Seal with the flour paste. Deep fry the samosa until golden brown. Serve with cilantro & mint chutney (recipe to follow).

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