Sunday, November 8, 2009

Parents' birthday celebration

For my parents' 60th birthday last year, we threw them a huge surprise birthday bash, complete with a live band. This year, we decided to tone it down with a simple dinner out to one of their favorite restaurants - Flemings Steakhouse. Its been pretty difficult to find a place to eat with them lately because my mom is now on a strict diet. But Flemings has a really good menu with a mix of different kind of entrees to choose from. Preferrably, fish for mom. I always order their Chilean Sea Bass, which they prepare in different ways. For some reason, the sea bass is NEVER on their menu and is always a daily special. Luckily, so far, they always have it. Tonight, Mom and I ordered the it. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to photograph my beautiful dish, but it was, as always, delicious. I had a side of their sauteed sweet corn, which I mostly fed to my daughter. And for dessert, I became adventurous, and tried something different other than the Creme Brulee that I always ordered. Hubby and I split this delectable dessert:

YUMMY!!! I think I found my new favorite dessert - Frozen Lemon Gingersnap pie.

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