Sunday, January 17, 2010

100th Post and a weekend full of food and celebration


I've been really moving this blog along. I can't believe in less than a year, I've managed to write 100 posts. Who would've thought a busy, working mom like myself would have time to maintain this. lol. I surprise myself sometimes. Food blogging has become a hobby of mine that I've come to enjoy. It keeps me more aware of the food I eat and how it looks, so I can make sure it looks good enough to photograph for the blog. My main goal has remained the same, though. To provide a place for anyone to look up my recipes. And its done just that. I'm glad others have been able to enjoy what I like making.

Anyway, this has been quite a busy weekend celebrating 3 birthdays and an anniversary. On Saturday for lunch, we were at my brother-in-law's house to celebrate his and his son's birthday. Lot's of food to grub on, like my mother-in-law's famous spaghetti, which my daughter enjoyed. I didn't want to stuff myself, because in the evening we were also going out to dinner for my parent's wedding anniversary.

Yummy! Lawry's English Cut Prime Rib, topped with Au jus, with sides of mashed potatoes, creamed corn (my fave!), and Yorkshire pudding. My parents really love going to Lawry's, even though my mom can no longer eat the prime rib. She had the salmon. My parents love this place so much, that my dad is one of their "members" and he gets discounts and special deals everytime we have dinner there.

The next day, my cousin invited us out to dinner to celebrate one of my nephew's 21st birthday at Bucca di Beppo. Its been a while since we've eaten at a Bucca di Beppo, but I remember the portions to be HUGE. Its definitely a family-style dinner place.

Wine bottles hanging from the ceiling......I had to take picture of the ceiling where we sat at dinner. It looked pretty cool.

For starters, we had the calamari. Always a family favorite.

I had the Linguine frutti di Mare. It was so yummy, that I took some home ;)

They also served this salmon dish.

And this stuffed manicotti.

No birthday is complete without the birthday cake! So my nephew was presented with this tri-colored birthday cake.

Delicious. It was a cross between a red velvet cake and coconut cream cake. They also served Tiramisu, but I was so satisfied with this decadent dessert.

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary everyone!

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