Saturday, September 4, 2010

Baked French Toast

Today will be my last day of food indulgence, because starting tomorrow, Hubby and will I be on a 2-week long diet. It'll be a strict diet of liquid, veggies, fruits, supplements and no carbs, salt, sugar, or flavor! So today, hubby and I are on "Fat-Saturday" mode (as opposed to Fat Tuesday. lol!). After today, some of the recipes I'll be posting for the next 2 weeks will be diet food. Which is why I chose today to make this recipe I found on

I've made Baked French Toast before, but for some reason, I couldn't find that recipe. This came out crunchy, custardy (an oxymoron, I know) and syrupy. But it was quite delicious with the crunch from the top side of the bread, custardy on the inside, and sweet from the syrup. A great way to make ahead for a brunch.

2 Tbsp. corn syrup
1 stick butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 (1 lb.) loaf french bread, sliced (or any hard/dense bread you have)
5 eggs
1 1/2 cup milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. salt

1) In a small saucepan, heat butter, brown sugar and corn syrup and simmer until sugar has melted. Pour over a greased 9x13 baking dish or smaller.

2) Layer slices of bread over brown sugar mixture. In a medium bowl, beat together eggs, milk, vanilla extract and salt. Pour egg mixture over bread. Cover dish and refrigerate overnight.

3) The next morning, preheat oven to 350 deg F. Uncover pan and bake for 45 minutes. Dish will be done when you test with a toothpick and the toothpick comes out clean. Serve warm or the French toast will harden. It can be reheated.

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