Monday, September 13, 2010

Blueberry Crumble Cake

So you guessed it....hubby and I gave up the diet. We lasted a whole week. I lost a total of 9 pounds and hubby lost 8 pounds. And we feel much slimmer. Our clothes are much looser. Not bad for going on a week-long diet. We figured we were happy with what we've lost. And we miss flavor so much. So we stopped the diet. We'll definitely still strive to maintain our current weight by watching our caloric intake.

Yeah, you're probably thinking how is this new recipe going to help with that. Well, it won't. lol. But we have so much ingredients leftover from the diet that I had to do something with them. I had bought a package of blueberries that I've been dying to use for this recipe. I found this recipe on Lemons & Love during my week-long diet, hoping to make it one day. I'm so glad that the day finally came. This was originally a recipe from Ina Garten and it was so yummy. Perfect with a nice cup of tea. I'll be sure to only eat this in small portions and share the rest with others. But its so hard to resist. Even my daughter loved it.

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