Monday, September 6, 2010

Fat Flush diet, Day 2 - Salmon with Lemon, Dill and garlic

Its day 2 of the Fat Flush diet. So far so good. I've lost 2 pounds since starting this yesterday. I know I shouldn't be weighing myself everyday, because the book says everyone loses weight differently. But I can't help it. I want to see progress. I think its more bloat that I lost rather than actual fat though. But any weight loss is good for me.

For lunch today, I decided to have fish. I found a fish recipe on the book that I wanted to use. I think having seafood has a lot more flavor because it has its natural saltiness. So this wasn't as bland as the other recipes I've tried. I served this with a side of steamed broccoli tossed with flaxseed oil

4 ounces salmon
splash of vegetable broth
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
1 clove garlic, minced
1 Tbsp. fresh dill, minced

1) In a small bowl, combine broth, lemon juice, garlic and dill. Brush on both sides of the salmon. Cook on a pan on medium meat while basting it once with the remaining liquid mixture until done.

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