Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dinner and a Game

Hubby and I haven't been on a real date in a while. Probably ever since our daughter was born. Yes, we'll go on a quickie movie date while we leave her at my parents house for 2-3 hours tops. We always feel guilty leaving her because we've been inseparable from her ever since she was born. When she started learning to talk, we would always leave my parents house one at a time, because it was better than leaving together where she would think we were both abandoning her. So we never really get to enjoy our movie, because all we do is worry and think about her. Tonight, however, we prepared her and told her we'd be watching a basketball game while we left her at my parents house and that we'll be sleeping over their house for the night. Surprisingly and thankfully, she was okay with it. And so off we went.

This date had been a long time coming. Remember what we gave each other for Valentine's Day? I got the mixer and he got tickets to see his favorite basketball team, the LA Clippers vs. the Toronto Raptors. After the long anticipation, we were finally going to see the Clippers. We decided to start off the date by going out to dinner before the game. We decided to have dinner at Trader Vic's at LA Live, which was across the street from the Staples Center. Hubby and I are very much into the Hawaiian fusion themed restaurants. That's why we go to Roy's Hawaiian Fusion a lot. So it was nice to eat at another island-themed restaurant.

Since I'm not much of an alcohol drinker, I ordered this virgin Mai Tai called the No Tai Mai Tai.

Unfortunately, it was nothing more than a watered-down Pineapple and Orange Juice with lots of ice. I guess its not really a Mai Tai without the alcohol.

For appetizers, we decided on this yummy Hawaiian Ahi Poke served with Taro chips.

Reminiscent of the islands.

For my main course, I decided to have the Cantonese Sea Bass.

Sea Bass has always been my favorite dish. Whenever there's sea bass on the menu, you know its what I'll be ordering. This dish did not disappoint.

Hubby had this Wasabi-encrusted Filet Mignon with Hawaiian-style fries.

The filet mignon was so tender and flavorful. And the Hawaiian style fries was encrusted with macadamia nuts and had somewhat of an Indian spice taste.

For dessert, we had the Tahitian Snowball.

It was nothing more than a scoop of vanilla ice cream, topped with caramel and toasted coconut. Disappointing, but it satisfied my sweet tooth and I just wanted to get to the game. So I had not time to really complain.

Finally, we had an after-dinner cocktail of some Blake Griffin ;)

Yup, we were that close that I was able to get this shot. From Section 109, Row 2. It was an exciting game and the Clips won. I can't wait to go on our next Clippers game. We're hoping we can go more often next season. I've become a huge Blake Griffin fan and now hubby and I are talking about becoming Season Ticket holders. Maybe. But this was definitely a date to remember.


  1. Wow! Finally, a well-deserved date. Looks like a great time. Seriously, the clippers?! Lol.

  2. yes, Reni. the Clippers. Gotta root for the underdog ;) There are 2 LA teams, you know. Well, it might be 3 LA teams soon :p
