Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's day to all you great mothers out there. We do a helluva job managing our families along with school, work, and other things. So be proud of yourself. Its tough being a mom and wife, but I am loving every minute of it and wouldn't change it for anything. I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter that I work hard for and absolutely love and wouldn't have it any other way.

I didn't have a recipe to share for this special day, but I did want to post about these cute matching aprons I just got for me and my daughter. I love being in the kitchen with her. She's my little helper, especially whenever I bake something. She's already shown a trait of being a foodie like me. When baking, she loves to help put the vanilla or vanilla extract in the dough or batter because she loves the smell of vanilla. She always claims that it was her favorite part of the baking, because she loves the smell. I love how she is starting to appreciate her sense of smell to explore great food using her nose. Now her sense of taste? That's another story. If it doesn't have pasta and cheese, or the name "macaroni and cheese," you'll have to practically force her to eat it. But once she gets a taste of it, she's usually okay to eat it. Begrudgingly, but she'll eat it. My hope is that she will someday explore all the different types of foods out there and not limit herself to macaroni and cheese. That was one of the goals of this blog, to explore and chronicle different recipes, new and old, for my daughter to experience.

Cooking and baking is a huge part of our family. And my kitchen, I believe, is the center of our home. It is where I spend time with my daughter. It is where I prepare great meals to feed my family. It is where I find comfort. I enjoy buying cool things for my kitchen. And these aprons were just an addition to our kitchen that will bond me with my daughter.

Happy Mother's Day and Happy cooking/baking!

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