Monday, March 14, 2011

Bananas Foster Cupcake with Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting

I recently learned that hubby likes Cream Cheese frosting in any of my cakes or cupcakes. I say "recently" because he usually just eats anything I make and usually likes it, no matter what it is. He hardly ever makes any requests for me to make anything specific. What a sweet husband, and great critic.

Last week, we visited my mother-in-law and found some cupcakes that my sister-in-law, Deby, had brought over. One of them was a banana cupcake with a cream cheese frosting that hubby took a liking to. It was then that he commented how much he loved cream cheese frosting. No wonder he loved my Red Velvet Cupcakes so much. I still had a never-ending supply of bananas in the freezer (Remember the Banana Caramel Cream Pie and Jenny's Banana Spice Cupcake I made from those bananas? Yeah I still had some that I decided to freeze). So I had an idea and found this recipe for Bananas Foster Cupcakes from What's Cookin Chicago? and decided to do my own version.

I made the cupcakes using my recipe from The Elvis. The frosting was from my Red Velvet Cupcakes. However, instead of using the brown sugar it called for, I substituted it with the my leftover caramel sauce from my Banana Caramel Cream Pie. The final product is something hubby will absolutely love.

18 prepared Banana Cupcakes, cooled completely

for the frosting:
3 sticks unsalted butter, at room temperature
8 oz cream cheese, softened
4-6 Tbsp. prepared caramel sauce
pinch of salt
1 tsp. vanilla extract
4-6 cups confectioner's sugar
2-4 Tbsp. milk, depending on consistency

1) Cream the cream cheese with a mixer for about 1 minute. Add butter and beat for 1-2 minutes, until well incorporated.

2) Add caramel, salt, and vanilla extract and continue beating until well incorporated.

3) Slowly add 2 cups of confectioner's sugar and beat well. Continue adding sugar and alternating with the milk until desired consistency. Frost cooled cupcake.

1 comment:

  1. oh how i love anything bananas foster! mmmm...
